More PNP Checkpoints in Manila

The Philippine Police will be installing more Checkpoints in the next 2 weeks” this was the statement by the DILG.

During a meeting last Wednesday, Roxas said that the police will be installing more checkpoints to fight crimes on the city. The checkpoints will be back up by a campaign called “Oplan Katok and Oplan Lambat

Oplan Katok” is a campaign by the Philippine National Police to fight for loose firearms, and the “Oplan Lambat” is a campaign by the PNP to fight unregistered motorcycles.

Roxas hopes that this campaign started in manila will be replicated in all the Philippine regions.

The campaign was a response by Roxas after the recent killing incidents on high profile individual in the country this includes the killing of Father Enzo, Richard King owner of a resort, and the car race driver. Roxas revealed that he have talked to the President regarding this issue and how to reduce crime rates in our country.

We are here to ensure the safety and peace for public” Roxas Said.

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