China’s most expensive delicacies will be banned soon

Guangzhou once the prime location for shark fin, and China’s one of the most expensive delicacies will be out soon as officials on banquet and tables and other celebrity campaign to ban shark fins.

One storekeeper at Shanhaicheng quietly ate his lunch at desk, sided by four glum colleagues and a giant white sack of overflowing thousands of dollars’ worth of unsold shark fins. A woman on the next stall fiddled with her phone, with plastic bags of yellow fins untouched on the shelves behind her.

Animal rights and environmental groups campaigned for decades against the consumption of the shark fin, China’s demands for delicacy have decimated the world’s shark population and its method to obtain those fins was inhumane.”

The fins were sliced off while of the sharks while they are still alive before they will be thrown back in the ocean to die. China devours more shark fin compared to any other country in the world.

Major airlines and hotel chains in the region already banned dishes with shark fins, the demand reduction were effective. More people learn about the cost of eating those shark fin soup.

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