United States and China to talk about military incidents

National Security Adviser of United States Susan Rice has repeatedly raised its concerns about the risky Chinese fighter intercepts on the United States surveillance flights with the Chinese leaders and other senior administration officials.

The topic was relatively contentious issues raised during the recent visit intended to lay groundwork for United States President Obama's trip to Beijing this coming November.

In general the talks "helped lay a really great foundation" for President Obama's trip, said by a senior administration official who have briefed the reporters on the condition of secrecy. President Obama is to attend Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation forum leaders' summit and will meet the Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Washington said that Chinese pilot acted recklessly during close intercept of the United States plane 220 kilometers south of Hainan, a home of Chinese naval airfields and a submarine base. China denied any reckless flying and said it would continue to respond to United States surveillance flights off its coast, as China believes it will be a threat to its security.

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