United States — wipe out all Syrian Militants

A Syrian foreign minister said that United States led bombing campaign should be expanded to target other militant groups not just the Islamic State group (IS), noting that the fight against terrorism has aligned the Syrian regime with Western and Arab opponents in fight against common enemy.

"They have the same ideology. They have the same extremist ideology," al-Moallem told Associated Press urging a widening of United States led aerial campaign to include all the Islamic rebel factions fighting President Bashar Assad's government.

The Syrian minister denounced the so called United States' "dual policy" of striking at militants in Syria while providing money, weapons and training to others, calling it a recipe for more violence and terrorism.

Such a behavior creates "fertile ground" for continued growth of extremism in countries including Lebanon, Iraq and Syria, al-Moallem told the world leaders.

Arab and Washington allies opened their air assault against extremist in Syria, going after the group's oil installations, heavy weapons, training camps, and military facilities.

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