More Planes for Philippine Air Force

President Aquino III already unveiled its plan to acquire more aircraft in order to strengthen the operational scope for the Philippine Air Force.

As the president preside the change of command in Air Force at Lipa City, Aquino stated those additional eight utility combat helicopters, 2 long range aircraft for patrols, 6 support aircraft's and few radar systems.

The governments intend to acquire full motion simulator for training our future pilots who will man our new aircrafts” Aquino said on a speech.

We should prepare our pilots for more advance trainings for us to increase our flight experience, also the delivery of FA50 from South Korea next year” he added.

Philippine government already signed the contract for the 12 lead fighter trainer acquisitions with a total worth of Php18.9 billion.  With 3 C-130 transport plane, 8 combat helicopters and some 18 trainer aircrafts this will surely mark a new status for the Philippine defense.


  1. Hope spare parts are not made from China....

  2. Perhaps the logical conclusion to protect us from China is let the United States built bases somewhere in the Philippines. This will protect us from outside intruders. We don't have to spend billions of pesos acquiring advance military weapons instead we can use the money for research and develop our untapped natural resources. This will generate income and job opportunities to our next generation. We have to face the reality that even if we spend billions of pesos we are still far behind from China's military arsenals. If the United States is serious enough protecting our interest so be it, provided that our military personnel have access in terms of training and advance weaponry.

    1. the most logical conclusion to protect us is to acquire mobile anti-ship missiles and mobile anti-aircraft missiles. A base is just a sitting duck and easily destroyed by the chinese long range missile but if its mobile we can hide it in the thick jungle forest of palawan to strike at the chinese ships if they try to hit PH we can rain missiles at them to overwhelm their defenses.

  3. Hope We can produce some of this Air craft parts in Philippines also parts or even whole Missiles production etc...Missile system is more better it can be fired anywhere to incoming aircraft or as anti missile too and sea vessels...And our country needed a submarine for counter attack

  4. logical at peace with china...because we have a more bloodline with the chinese than the is not china that distribute havoc to the world...creating terrorist...and train them..but the US...
