Armed Forces of the Philippines in Solo are now ready to attack

In Sulu, Philippines the AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines) Chief of Staff General Catapang, Jr. flew to Jolo town in the island province to personally monitor the threats made by ASG (Abu Sayyaf Group) its threat to behead one of their two German hostages.

We just want to show that we are prepared for the rescue,” said by General Catapang, adding that they always been in contact with our German Ambassador to Philippines regarding the said case of Stefan Viktor Okonek, 71, and Herike Diesen, 55, that has been held captive by ASG since April of this year.

We want to assure them that we are prepared for the rescue. What we want to emphasize is if there will be need to launch a rescue, we have the necessary force to conduct the operation,” said by the AFP chief.

Catapang said that there will be no rescue operation unless the crisis management council (CMC) gives the military the go signal. “We will wait for the orders. We will not unnecessarily compromise the negotiations. The ball is with the CMC,” he stated.

General Catapang remains hopeful that Muslim bandits would not go through their threat of beheading the German hostages if their Php250 million demand ransom will not be met, because negotiations between ASG and German government are still ongoing.

Aside from the demanded ransom, ASG demanded that the Germany withdraw its support for US-led campaign against Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

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