A ‘Quack Doctor’ in China Freed to kill Again

A Chinese State run media report that a known Chinese “quack” doctor that believes water causes all the disease with at least 16 patients died from his previous treatment was recently released from prison just to kill another patient.

Wanlin, claimed to be “omnipotent doctor” dehydrated man to death, sentenced 15 years in prison for its illegal medicine practice. Wanlin, 65, began his so—called healing behaviors while serving life sentence for killing businessman, stopped in 1996 after 13 patients that he treated died.

He was then freed, but then jailed again in the year 2000 for the same issue illegally practicing medicine after another three patient died, including the mayor of the Luohe city in Henan.

On that reported occasion Hu sentenced to 15 years, but again given freedom, and mounted “health retreat” for the 12 “patients” last year.

“22—year—old student in college Xuyang, devotee of the traditional Chinese medicine, died after taking substance provided by the said quack doctor.”

Quack Hu theorized that all the diseases caused by water, and the patients needed to be dehydrated with “magic medicine” using a powerful salts.

The health insurance in Beijing provides a limited coverage to rural residents, leading to people who seek cheaper alternative treatments.

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