"10 Dash line" Chinas Fairy Tale Claim

Rafael Alunan III a former interior secretary dismissed Chinas expansive claim of territory on Philippine Sea of the west as “fiction”.

“A fairy tale dream” this was the statement said by Alunan, “Philippine authorities can engage diplomatic and legal information to all since we Filipinos have good moral background. The law is within our belief. History perhaps is within the Philippine side”.

Chinas have nothing to present to its opposing countries but its own fiction claim towards South China Sea in which no one believes with them.” Alunan Added.
The 10 dash line that they present complete includes of the 90 percent potentially gas and oil rich towards Philippine Sea. The case has been filed already towards China on its “exaggerated” claims to the UNCLOS but they refuse to respond.

Chinas Claim in the South China Sea has no factual basis that is what I conclude it a fairytale” Alunan Said.

Many countries were disappointed with Chinas Behavior being “imperialistic” instead of using the forum for diplomacy they were arrogant looking down other countries.

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