Binay – Extending Aquino’s term is a selfish proposal

Vice President Binay finally speaks up on what he described as “selfish proposal” this covers the plan to extend the term of President Aquino.

In the statement released by President Aquino, passed through Sec. Coloma, “he has made his sentiments on the issue of term extension. The decision made by the president should be respected to put an end with the issue.” Binay Said.

Vice president Binay was referring Secretary Coloma, who cleared the public on the president’s position on his term extension, thus he will step down when his term ends in 2016. Despite from the submitted proposals came from president’s allies about the extension of his term to continue what have been started.

Binay described those proposals as “selfish act” inspired by personal interest rather than the interest of the nation. This can put him on spot that will make him as object of criticism in which he should not be nor he doesn’t deserve.

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