Philippines join Asia’s top economic performers

Philippine economy ricochets to post a 6.4-percent growth in second quarter and regain status as one of the strongest in Asia.

The private region took the lead as economy recovered from relatively modest expansion of 5.6 percent in first quarter, due to impact of natural disasters.

"This higher increase rate, coming from high base year ago, shows that Philippine economy is back on the higher trajectory of its growth," Economic Planning Secretary Balisacan said.

"We continue to be one of the bright spots in the region, and the second fastest growing economy among major Asian countries for this period, tied with the Malaysia’s performance."

The latest figures for first half of 2014 was up to 6.0 percent and boosted optimism that Philippines would still attain its target growth for the this year.

Independent economists gave optimistic assessments for Philippines, nation with 100 million people which in recent years seen its economy surge after long lagging behind most of its Asian neighbors.

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