The PNP Philippine National
Police is buying a total of 568 sub-machine guns that is worth Php133.798
It its advertisement, Juanito
Vaño the Director of PNP for logistic said that the police is now inviting
bidders for the procurement of the said sub-machine guns with an approved
budget amounting to Php 133,798,080.

As stated on the invitation to
bid, Director Vaño said that the delivery of the said guns could be done in 2
tranches, the first 300 units and the remaining 268 within 60 days after the
last day of the first delivery.
According to Vaño the conference
for the pre-bid will be on November 7 of 2014 at the conference hll of PNP head
quarters. The said bids must be delivered before November 21 of the same year.
The bid opening will be on November 21.
Since the year 2013, PNP has been
buying equipment as part of Capability Enhancement Program, but police
officials admitted that funds came from Disbursement Assistance Program, parts
of which Supreme Court declared unconstitutional.
PNP also slated to procure
assault rifles worth Php. 1,516,125,000 as part of CEP. The PNP chief Director
General Purisima signed the said orders to proceed with the procurement of the ordered
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