CHINA “Its Vietnam s fault on the recent Sea Clash”

Video has been circulating on social media. The video was about the coalition of Vietnam and china vessel. On the footage it shows how Chinese vessel slam into a Vietnamese vessel.

On a TV report from Vietnam, it’s the Chinese vessel slam with the Vietnamese boat leaving it heavily damaged and luckily no one got hurt.  The said coalition happened 11.5 miles away from Chinese oil rig in which it is 150km near Vietnam and it is within Vietnams’ EEZ.

But even thought it was out of the box with China, their foreign ministry insists that it’s Vietnam to be blamed on the said incident. Early June 23 one tugboat from Vietnam slammed the Chinese vessel, china urge Vietnamese to stop any disruptions towards Chinese activities.

Chinas aggressiveness in reclaiming expanded territories worries most countries in Asia are worried as those territories are known to have reserved natural resources.

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