Chinas’ Aggressive Territorial behavior deprives itself

In United States Washington US senior official says “China’s continual effort on SCS (South China Sea) reclamation creates a two problem for them”. Not just the issue on filled dispute cases by affected countries that creates tension, but it also degrades its country towards its current international standing.

China’s cruelty is one that worries US. Washington wants to create a Trust on its economic issues but in pursuance it will also result to the release of political captives in return. Not just one country, but as of today China has been on the hot seat towards its aggressive actions to the SCS that obviously triggers affected countries.

Chinas standoff in its oil rigs which are building within the EEZ of other countries pursued other countries to file disputes with the United States treaty which likely involve japan and Philippines. Until now China remains consistent to its claims and creates internal propaganda to its own country.

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