Kalayaan Islands included on New China Map

Updated Map, Updated territory” this how people will describe to the new released china maps by china. On a news agency on China report, the map was legally recognized by the SBS (State Bureau Surveying) and MGI (Mapping Geographic Information).

Chinas’ new map shows its extensive claims almost all on SCS (South China Sea). According to Beijing the Nine dash line were merely based on historical data and Philippine said it is a violation of UNCLOS. Now Kalayaan Islands in which Vietnam claims on its parcel together with Philippines depicts its dispute claims due to the new map.

Based from the traditional maps of SCS, it shows equal scale together with mainland compared to the newly released map”, “It is clear that it promotes awareness to its own country NATIONAL TERRITORIES without understand the primary points”.

In contrast to Philippine case, it uses UNCLOS to assert sovereignty on some portion of SCS (South China Sea) under the EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone.

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