Japanese, Vietnamese, South Korean and Filipinos See China as Top Threat

9 out of 10 Filipinos believe that there will be battle against China

War with China is to be anticipated” this is what majority has in mind.

Majority in Asian feels that with China’s unending bullying and its aggressive claims almost all in the South China Sea may lead to a war. This has been the conclusion by the recent survey conducted by a nonpartisan American Pew Research Center.

According to Pew, Eleven Asian nation was involved in the latest survey conducted and roughly more than a half says that territorial dispute with Chinas worries them most as this could lead to a Conflict between different countries.

93% of Filipino who respond on the survey feels that war will be in the future, rated as highest on all countries that have been surveyed. Other percentage shows 85 percent from Japanese respondents believed same thing, 84 percent for Vietnamese ad 83 percent for S-Korea.

Surprisingly only 62% of Chinese respondents believe same way. Lower than any other

Majority of all the respondents from Japanese, Vietnamese, Filipinos and South Korean see China as top threat and United States as important ally.

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