Training your Children to be Successful Millionaires

Is it ideal to give cash allowance to your children? This statement might be the first question you have in mind as you click read along with the content.

Children should earn their allowance by doing something at home. Like cleaning the tables, washing the dishes or doing any household chores.” The idea is letting them realize the importance of spending money and the relation between work and pay. You can assign your kids few jobs during their summer vacation and give them something.

But wait! Be careful in doing it, do not overdo it. Don’t let them think that they do things to get money. Never pay something to your children for their personal sanitation!

If your children say they have the lowest allowance, stand firm with your belief inculcate to them that that is the only amount you can afford. In this scenario they will value the amount they have and minimize spending.

Teaching your children simple things like giving allowance, enables them to realize and manage what they have and how they spend it.

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