China may stop its Activities in West Philippine Sea if Philippines drop its arbitration

China is willing to halt its activities involving the disputed areas in West Philippine Sea if Philippine government back out on the international arbitration initiated last year,” said by a Chinese foreign minister.

Alberto Del Rosario from Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary recently proposed during the security summit what he termed as “triple action plan” to resolve dispute issue on territories to escalate tension in the region.

But Chinese foreign minister said that Manila violated its suggestion enabling Chinas to refusal to participate in the settlement proceedings.

"If Philippine would like to carry this plan, then it will annul international arbitration, because that is the 3rd step of its plan,” said by Yi during the ASEAN – China meeting.
"But what it has done today is to jump the first two steps to go directly to the third step," Yi said.

If China could comply with the Philippine government’s first two proposals then it will revokes the arbitration, Wang said."

Philippine Authorities armed with legitimate photographs showing reclamation activities by China, earlier accused China for building airstrip on disputed Johnson Reef, which is within 370km EEZ exclusive economic zone to the Philippines. 

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