Weapon Upgrades for Two Philippine Navy Lead Frigates

Philippine frigates to get weapon upgrades, it looks like gift came early for our two Philippine lead frigates.

The BRP Alcaraz and BRP del Pilar were set to be fitted with 2 38 Model Mark 225 millimeter “Bushmaster” with automatic cannons as its first ever arms upgrades.

Lt. Commander Domingo of the Philippine Navy Chief of Public Affairs Office, said that “BRP Gregorio del Pilar will have its upgrades installed at the end of the year as support weapons for its main one, the 76 mm Oto Melara automatic cannon.”

Both vessels are programmed for upgrades in terms of sensors and firepower to revive their original capabilities,” the chief said.

Philippine Navy Upgrade was the first priority in order to protect our country in terms of security threat. We want to make them stronger, and of course to protect itself and the Philippines against whoever the adversary is,” Domingo said.

It is better to add more firepower to our warships and if we can add more we will certainly do it and equipped our ships in seas.

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