AFP – Philippines 6 Submarines, 48 Fighter Jets and Anti-ship cruise missile - Washington CNAS

The Philippines DND needs four squadrons (of upgraded Lockheed Martin F—16 fighter jets, well—armed frigates and corvette—size, fast to surface combatant vessels and minesweepers and 4—6 mini submarines, possibly to be obtained from Russia in order to build credible defense force in the face of China's increasing antagonism in South China Sea. This was said by CNAS (Center for a New American Security).

The level of competence would far exceed the current Philippine planning and finances and it would be in Whitehouse interest to make easier for Philippine Military to acquire excess United States fighters, frigates and weapons system and encourage countries such as Japan and South Korea to help modernize AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines).

"Defending the Philippines: Military modernization and the challenges ahead," the CNAS article written by Fisher said that AFP's modernization program was estimated to cost USD1 billion over the course of President Aquino's six—year term – an amount that pales in comparison to China's 2012 official military budget of more than USD100 billion.

High—level Philippine delegation led by the Foreign Secretary del Rosario and the Defense Secretary Gazmin was in Washington for discussions on each other's needs to ensure freedom of navigation in South China Sea.

Aquino's determination to build up his country's military forces and said that he has spent more than USD395 million on the AFP modernization since coming into office, compared with USD51 million annually in previous 15 years.

Philippine Navy is looking for a land—based anti—ship cruise missile like the US Boeing AMG—84 Harpoon which has range of 120 kms and could also be used by the frigates and F—16s.

"Finally, the PN would like to acquire a submarine by 2020, which would become its most ambitious and expensive program to date,

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