Heroes’ welcome for our Philippine peacekeepers

A heroes’ salutation awaits for our Filipino peacekeepers serving in the Heights of Golan who made the successful daring escape from the communist Syrian rebels.

This October will be the scheduled month for their comeback, so we will be preparing a hero’s welcome for our brave soldiers” General Catapang said.

November of last year our military soldiers were deployed in the Golan Heights to serve as peacekeepers.

According to the general, they are now on the process on how those soldiers will be promoted on the next level.

More than 300 Philippine armies will be pulled out this October when their duty ends. The date of their return was already decided days before the Golan Heights happened as the Syrian rebels abducted the Fijian peacekeepers and then tried to do same thing with our Filipino peacekeepers, luckily the soldiers escaped.

General Catapang portrayed it as “the greatest escape.”

But AFP chief claimed this week that UNDOF Commander General Singha of India ordered the Filipino soldiers to surrender their weapons and avoid mischief from befalling captured Fijians.

Undersecretary General Lasdous of UN supported Singha that there was no order given. The order was not to shoot and not hand over the said Ph peacekeepers weapons.
The Philippine General decided not to comment on the Statements given by the United Nations.

We have already submitted report to our President and it is up to him now to decide. We don’t a blame game. What was important was we were able to save our soldiers,” he said.

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