Philippine brook the world record for tree planting

Last Friday, Philippines broke the world record for most number of trees planted in just one hour, with a partial tally surpassing to two million against the 1.9 million trees record by India.

MinDA (Mindanao Development Authority) as the lead government behind “Treevolution  Regreening Mindanao” campaign, said that the number of trees confirmed that it planted 2,088,069  as of 3 p.m. The number still needs to be validated by Guinness World Record.

The target of the campaign is to plant 4.6 million trees across six regions in Mindanao. It would take two months before the Guinness would confirm if India’s record was broken.

Counting is still ongoing!” a Treevolution secretariat said on Facebook. “Congratulations Mindanawons! Indeed, for the environment, we are MindanaONE.
The chairperson of MinDA Lualhati Antonino, said that the campaign turned to be a source of unity among the Mindanawons.

With or without a record to beat, this is something that has awakened us to do something beautiful for Mindanao and for ourselves.

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