The movement on Duterte for President now advancing

The organized nationwide movement to congregate signatures that will convince Mayor Duterte of Davao City to run as president in the next 2016 presidential election is widening and reaching more and more provinces in the Philippines.

The prime mover of the nationwide movement to gather signature Barangay Captain Masanguid told reporters that the other provincial coordinators have already working on various area in the region in order to gather he needed signatures.

“These assigned coordinators to do the gathering of signatures do not receive single centavo and they solely work as volunteers,” Baranggay Captain Masanguid pointed out.

A number of congressmen, councilors, mayors, village chieftain and governors were reached by the nationwide movement. The operations were not just in Mindanao but also in Luzon and Visayas.

“Some local government officials already signified its willingness to support and even volunteered their local coordinators to work with our movement,” Masanguid added.

However the captain refused to name the mayors, congressmen and governors whom the movement had already reached, citing some implications as the 2016 elections is still far.

The movement has gathered more than 11 million signatures nationwide. This will continue to grow till we reached the desired percentage.

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