United States Admiral: 1,000 Additional forces join IS from Asia—Pacific

PACOM (United States Pacific Command) announced that 1,000 fighters across Pacific joined the Islamic State Militants.

A press conference in Pentagon Thursday the Admiral Locklear, whose most of the area of responsibility covers 52 percent of the globe and 36 nations including Philippines, said that the PACOM is paying a very close attention to the secret movements of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

"On foreign fighters or aspiring foreign fighters ... our estimations today has probably been a thousand potential aspiring fighters that have moved from this region based on our overall assessment," admiral Locklear said.

"That number could get larger as we go forward but certainly that's about the size or the magnitude that we perceive at this point in time," The admiral did not specify whether some recruits came from Philippines, specifically Mindanao.

Locklear addressing queries by a Mindanao—based Abu Sayyaf with links to al—Qaeda, to kill the German hostages in Sulu if the Germans continue to support United States assault on Islamic State in Middle East.

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