Germany Ends Tuition Fees to All Universities

All German universities will now offer a free higher education starting immediately, after region of Lower Saxony changed its policies to fit with the country. The German policy—makers say that the free university education for all is basic right, and tuition fees are unfair and s discourage poorer students from continuing with its education.

Tuition fees are socially unjust,” said by by Dorothee Stapelfeldt, a senator for science in Hamburg, a region which scrapped fees back in 2012. “It is a core task of politics to ensure that young women and men can study with a high quality standard free of charge in Germany.

 “Tuition fees keep young people from low-income families from studying and are socially disruptive.

Dr Fischer the vice—president of Hamburg University, said that “There is a tradition here that education is free from beginning to end, and that is very difficult to change.” This attitude reflected by students of Germany, who admit thinking other countries “crazy” for charging people to learn.

The International students can also benefit Germany´s decision to scrap tuition fees, and more information on studying in Germany.  Masters degrees not included in the plans to scrap tuition fees, although costs are still much cheaper than other countries like United States for post—grad study.

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