Malacañang Rejects Group calling Aquino to Resign – “Sino Ipapalit nyo?”

Malacañang rejected demands by private sector movement to President Aquino III step down “As soon as possible,” saying that Chief Executive should be determined “to serve and implement the reforms he promised to the people.

Herminio Coloma the Communications Secretary said that call of National Transformational Council was just “the opinion of one sector” not the “mirror the opinion of our people who continue to support the leadership of our President and who continue to trust him.

President’s duty—bound to fulfill its mandate from people. Aquino remains firm and committed to pursue reforms aimed at achieving stable and inclusive growth for our country,” he said on a radio interview.

Coloma cited country’s “transformation” from being considered as the “Sick Man of Asia to being Asia’s fastest-growing economy” on the strength of “reforms” founded on “the platform of good governance.

The Palace rejected possibility of a dialogue with the members of NTC, which includes number of Catholic bishops. “At least at this point, we will respond to the concerns raised in the NTC, but we would be reluctant to use the stand of the NTC as reflective of [that of] the Catholic bishops,” Abigail Valte, the President’s deputy spokesperson.

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