Pnoy unshaken by survey

The President of the Philippines Aquino is unfazed by Pulse Asia surveys showing a majority of Filipinos are against term extension.

Herminio Coloma Jr. the Presidential Communications Operations Office Secretary said that Aquino is still “committed to do what is right and best for the country.

Public opinion surveys provide valuable feedback on how the people view the President’s actions and decisions. He has said in the past that while his popularity ratings may rise or fall, he is committed to doing what is right and what is best for the country,” he said.

Coloma said that the President does not mind the result of surveys since the president remains focused on fulfilling its mandate from the people.

Especially in terms of ensuring the continuity and permanence of the reforms he has instituted on the platform of good governance,” he said.

A recent survey released by Pulse Asia showed that six out of ten Filipinos are not in favor for another term for Aquino,

That is freedom of the press. We have a vibrant democracy, a vibrant politics,” “everybody is free to say what he feels for as long as they will not bear arms… we also acknowledge the freedom of the press”.

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