United States and Japan to revisit its defense plan to keep an eye with China

United States and Japan are revising their reciprocated defense guidelines for first time after nearly two decades to respond China's military expansion and to increase Japan's role in the regional defense.

A provisional report released that says United States and Japan pursuing wider partnership that will require "enhanced capabilities and greater shared responsibilities."

The said defense revision has been revisited for the first time since 1997, comes at a time of a heightened Japan—China tensions over the islands claimed by the countries in the China Sea, and also with the continuing concern about North Korea's missile and nuclear weapons development.

The said revised guidelines will factor the policy changes under the Japan’s PM Shinzo Abe which will enable Japan to shoulder more responsibility for its own and regional defense, and relieve America's military burden in the Asia-Pacific region.

The revised guidelines will also cover new areas such as the missile defense, the military equipment and the maritime security to reflect better changing security environment, this was said by a Japanese officials said.

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