United States President Announces a Tougher Screenings on Airport to Block EBOLA

President Obama told the Washington public health official that stopping the increase of Ebola virus is the top national security priority.

An issue about safety is also an issue with respect to political stability and the economic stability,” Obama said. President also said that the United States is now working on protocols for the air passenger screening at home and in West Africa.

Health officials say that they opposed to ban travelers from Ebola—infected countries because it would be counterproductive.

But that isolates the countries to the point where it makes it very difficult for them to control the epidemic,” Dr. Fauci of NIH (National Institutes of Health) said. “And if happens it will spread across other African countries and then you’ll magnify the problem and make it even worse than it is, so virtually all health officials feel that essentially closing off a country is not a productive endeavor at all.

United States has six Ebola cases in recent weeks. Five Americans and Liberian national Duncan

President Obama is now calling other countries to step and do more to fight Ebola virus, which killed 3,500 people.

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