Santiago— Binay is impeachable for the betrayal of public trust

The Vice President of the Philippines is impeachable for alleged betrayal of public trust by refusing to answer corruption charges towards him in Senate, this was what Senator Defensor—Santiago said.

Betrayal of public trust is big enough to cover anything,” Senator Santiago said when she was asked if Senate inquiry into the allegedly overpriced Php2.28-billion Makati building had pointed to a impeachable offense by Vice President Binay.

I mean you are the Vice President of the Philippines. People look up to you. If ever President dies, they will expect you to have the same competence and efficiency, and therefore same level of service to the people,” Senator Santiago said to reporters.

 “The people of the Philippines look up to you, and now all of a sudden, there are horrendous accusations against you, which the mind of reasonable person can’t just have been invented. Only most perverse mind can invent that and hope to prove it in court,” the senator added.

Vice President Binay declined to attend Senate inquiry of the allegedly overpriced Makati building, where the VP was accused of taking kickbacks. Instead, Vice President tapped several spokespersons to defend him in press conferences.

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