United States to give USD17 Million as Philippine aid to guard seas and fight terrorists

The Philippines government will be receiving USD17.68 million in assistance from United States to help enhance its law enforcement and maritime law enforcement capabilities.

Jose Cuisia Jr. Philippine Ambassador said that the funds will be used to support Global Security Contingency Fund Program to prepare Philippine National Police and Philippine Coast Guard for combating terrorism and maintaining internal peace and security in its lands and waters on the southern part of the country.

The given funds will be used to support Southeast Asia Maritime Initiative project for further development of the operational and institutional capabilities of PCG and PNP Maritime Group.

The assistance was provided under the Amendment 3 to the 2011 Letter of Agreement on the Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement, in which will also cover the funding for Law Enforcement Support Project as well as Southeast Asia Regional Maritime Law Enforcement Development Project.

"With better enforcement and better ability of the Philippines to police its reefs, islands and other claims, the Agreement will be beneficial to the rest of the world," William Brownfield the Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement said.

"Both our countries perceive these challenges as common threats and we welcome the opportunity to work with the US Government to eliminate these threats that scourge our people," he added.

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