In times of warning - China is in the Move again

China shows to be building military base on its newly expanded Fiery Cross Reef in Spratly Islands in its attempt to tilt the balance of the territorial disputes in South China Sea in their favor, stated in a report in a newspaper in Hong Kong, over the year, China has been aggressive in its reclamation activities on its controlled reefs and islets in Spratlys, parts which are claimed by Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, Brunie and Malaysia.

Following the recent construction, China said to essentially "created" five islands from the existing reefs, including a Fiery Cross Reef, as the largest among the island in Spratlys.

The Fiery Cross Reef, in which China calls a ‘Yongshu Reef’, nominally administered by the Sansha city under the southern China's province in Hainan that has been occupied by PRC since the year 1998, when "UNESCO station" was ten built there. Since then, China constructed helicopter pad, wharf, two—story building and 500sqm. Greenhouses on reef, about 200 PLA soldiers were also stationed.

The military experts believe that the said construction of the strategic base on the Fiery Cross could tip balance of power in South China Sea on the territorial disputes in their favor, especially the reef is only located 460 km away from key Vietnamese naval base at the Cam Ranh Bay.

The US called China to freeze "provocative" reclamation activities in South China Sea, with the Pentagon spokesperson calling Beijing to "engage in diplomatic initiatives in order to encourage all sides to restrain themselves in sorts of activities."

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