MILF’s Response on President Aquino’s Demand to surrender Fallen44 killers

As to date, Moro Islamic Liberation Front remains silent in connection to President Aquino’s demand for the group to surrender “fallen44” commando killers last January 25, in Mamasapano, Maguindanao and help recover stolen firearms from the fallen soldiers.

Ghadzali Jaafar MILF V-chairman on political affairs said that his group is now waiting on the investigation result to the killings of Special Action Force soldiers. And until no such result will be presented, no single statement will be coming from our mouth.

However, the vice chairman did not gave or present definite time frame for the completion of their investigation.

A website “” posted an editorial article which relays a message of “only fallen44 feelings were feature and recognized asking about the other side of the group, “the MILF combatants who also defended themselves from the intruders who were armed.”

They are also Humans subject to be respected, which portrays a one sided justice in the Philippines. MILF believed that if there’s a person to be blamed, it is Getulio Napeñas the relieved Special Action Force commander.

No questions that it was a mission that was achieved, which was to get rid of the international terrorist Marwan. But the sad part was with the expense of many lives and creates uncertainty of Bangsamoro Basic law.  

Now MILF peace spoilers and President Aquino’s political enemies are feasting the issue. The group however remains hopeful that Mamasapano incident will not derail peace concurrence with the government.

The fallen44 have affected the peace talk, but everyone should not be discouraged to pursue its peace mission in Mindanao. Fighting is not the ultimate solution for everything. This is the time to strengthen the bond between the government and MILF to our country.

The issue is peace among our country than any other considerations.

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