“Remington Rifles” PH Soldiers New Service firearms

We are moving forward no matter what happens” Philippine modernization program marks a huge change to the overall Philippine defense.

President Aquino’s aggressive modernization program changes how other country look at the capabilities of Philippine defense ”. Defense Secretary Gazmin stated on a conference. Now we are in thorough upgrade, Ph military is expected to obtain 50,000 Remington Firearms in which this will replace the traditional M16 used by our military soldiers in operations.

Everything is being upgraded. It is part of our modernization program,” said Gazmin. “The first batch of 100 Remington riffles has already been delivered for final testing and checking.” He added. It is expected that the project will be completed December of this year, 27,200 in August and the remaining 23,000 Remington riffles will be on the last month of 2014 (December).

All riffles from US” and it is expected that this will replace old M16 used by Ph soldiers.

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