China’s Latest Weapons still 20 years behind on Advanced Countries

China's first every aircraft carrier including J-31 fighter jet, as well as Yilong UAV, WZ-1 and WZ-19 at the China 9th international Aerospace Exhibition was exposed on the public.

The broadcast with the China’s showcase on its latest military weapons considered to be a phenomenon of domestic weapons. But overall China has till gap compared to other countries which were marked as advanced countries in terms of military technology.

Since Chinese government developed its weapons, undeniably they have been equipped with substantial growth, this means that China only shorten its gap compared to advanced countries. But in overall they are still far from those advanced countries.

Almost all Chinese weapons were independently developed and researched, and more independent innovation was needed.

A number of foreign countries start to developed new generation military equipment based on the current generation the so called “6th Generation Fighters” including new strategic bombers with advanced capabilities.

By looking at the foreign military threat f China, other countries start to develop its new generation weaponry. And China has a long way to fill the gap over other countries about 20 years to compare.

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