China’s Meat Scandal pulls down Burger King and Starbucks Reputation

A suspected meat scandal in china has been circulating around social media, Burger King and Starbucks and even in Japan where McDonald’s said that their Chinese supplier sell expired Chicken and beef in which it comprises 20 percent of its food productions.

The investigation has been expanded by the Chinese authorities to the meat supplies. Shanghai Company Food Corporation was sealed by the China administration for the conduct of the investigation.

Shanghai or Husi Food owned by Group of Aurora OSI has been involved in producing milk over china, dairies, medicines and other supplies.

Those who are proven guilty on the violations of food and safety will be “punished severely” this was the statement released by the food agency who have conducted the investigation.

Sandwiches with chicken by the Starbucks Corporation has been removed on the shelves, Burger King stopped using products from Husi and all of its branches. Announcement has been circulated also to stop using HUSI products.

McDonald Corporation in Japan stopped selling Nuggets on all its 1,300 outlets that used ingredients supplied by Husi, according to report Husi products where repacked and the new expiration dates were changed.

The general public was then told not to purchase products manufactured by Husi.

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