Japan stares United States for tactics to gear in island defense

Japanese authorities try to find the best way to cooperate with United States on defending the far and flung islands. Perhaps we are interested in adding amphibious assault ship from America as its arsenal”, this was the statement said by the Japan Defense Minister Onodera on its recent trip to United States.

The importance of gaining the Know-how plays such a role towards engaging operational activities”. Onodera said to reporters.

Japan's plan to make amphibious vehicles to guard is islands and repel invaders, as of now Japans defense ministry is on eye with Osprey this can land and take off like helicopter and can fly fast as plane. The budget for this vehicle will be included by 2018.

United States and Japans updated defense guideline was being done this year since 1997 almost 2 decades. The main challenge for the defense guideline is the rising power of China on the Naval Areas.  With that action made by China, Japan bolsters defense.

Just this month PM Abe approved the deploying of SDF for unexpected situations in “gray zone”. 

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