Chinese Ships in position in Protest to Japans Military Reinterpretation

Two Chinese ships rushed over disputed waters near Japan islands of the East Sea of China, in response to Japans defense bolster.

The two ships sailing nearly 12 extending miles nautically around Senkaku islands, in which China government is also claiming.

Normally the arrival of two Chinese ships again raises the tension between both countries, as there were already high tensions during the previous days.

Vessels and Aircraft regularly seen playing a cat and mouse game with Japanese coastguard. Just this month the Chinese ambassador where summoned by the Japanese Authorities with regards to the near miss coalition of fighter jets on East China Sea.

Ship incident that just happen was Chinas response to Japan PM Abe as he pushes the Japans plan to fight and defend its ally. Chinas already warned Prime Minister Abe on its remilitarizing actions in which these can actions can put Japan into danger.

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