Philippine Doppler Radar Nears Completion

The Php25.2 million Project by the DOST-PAGASA in the construction of Doppler Radar building located at West Visayas and this was integrated with the Agricultural Research Center in Ilo-ilo nears on its completion.

The recent construction of the facility is the PAGASA’s 10th Station in the Philippines. This facility will forecast and monitor all weather disturbances that can affect Visayas Regions.

The Doppler Radar has latest technology innovations in weather forecasting, with this facility the measurement of rain speed, intensity and the area where the rain were expected to fall were become more accurate.

It will enhance forecasting and typhoon warnings will be released based on the projected forecast. The system is expected to prevent large scale disaster in the Visayas Regions.

Philippines lack of warning facilities effect people and even billions of pesos damage on infrastructure and agricultural lands.  PAGASA Western Visayas regions has no advanced facility that will forecast accurate weather disturbances.

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