Philippines call for a peaceful resolution on disputed case gains support from Thailand

Philippines call for peaceful resolution over dispute case on territorial reclamation gains support from Thailand,” this is what Alberto Del Rosario DFA assistant secretary said during its meeting with Thailand Foreign Minister Phuangketkeo.

Phuangketkeo came to Philippines to discuss bilateral relations with both countries. They exchanged views with the situation on South China Sea and strengthen its commitment for the code of conduct in a peaceful resolution on its dispute case.

China’s nine dash line claim on maritime areas covers almost all regions including Philippines EEZ 200 nautical miles. Other countries such as Malaysia, Brunei, Vietnam, and Taiwan were also affected by China's Aggressive territorial reclamation.

Asean Members has been pushing for a binding Code to prevent China on its territorial claims, Philippine government have challenged China on its filed complaints on international tribunal  law of the sea but china refused to participate.

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