Spanish Company to provide three Aircrafts to PAF

Philippine National Defense named the Spanish Company that will supply its brand new aircraft (medium lift) to PAF.

EADS Casa Military has successfully passed all the financial and technical specifications set the awarding committee. EADS Company took part on the previous bidding but they were disqualified in failing to meet the requirements. The bidding became failure as the other firm was also disqualified”.

The 3 C295 aircrafts offered by EAD Casa has integrated logistic system for PHP5.288 billion to the Philippine National Defense.”

According to Fernando Manalo the DND undersecretary, first aircraft is expected to arrive 18 months after receiving of the letter of credit. The Indonesian firm that have took part the bidding and lost said that they are going to file motion before the Department of National Defense.

The additional medium aircrafts is in need in order to complement the other 3 C-130 planes, which was in action during the operation of super Yolanda victims.

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