British Ambassador - Philippines is among Asia’s rising powers

Philippine territory has vast natural resources and economic growth that is unrivaled across its region, the country is one of the rising powers to observe” diplomat said.

There is no reason that on the next 20 to 30 years, “Philippines is already in the fulfillment of its ambition” British Ambassador to Philippines Ahmad told on an interview by Yahoo.

Ahmad said that among members of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asia Nations), he perceives that Philippines “as a leading member of it.”

We have created links, we invest time in terms of visits and attention than any other countries. It is part of our narrative of emerging powers and we see Philippines as one of them,” he added, this is also why Great Britain takes pride as the single and largest investor in Philippines from European Union.

Even Philippine politics does not appear to be a threat for investors. Ahmad believes on political developments such the PDAF (Priority Development Assistance Fun) and the DAP (Disbursement Allocation Program) are all good.

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