Former President Ramos Cabinet told Aquino to extend Sea Patrols not his term

If there is anything that Aquino will extend, it should be the patrol operations in West Philippine Sea not his term,” former official in the cabinet to said.

Former Interior Secretary Alunan said that President Aqiuno should put an end to the speculations about the second term and should focus on the countries protection to territorial integrity.

All these speculation and the talks about term extension distract the government from the crucial task of protecting the country’s sovereignty and resources in our Maritime territories.” Alunan said in a statement.

Alunan urged Aquino administration to implement a “clear-cut defense strategy and policy” that will dictate investments in our national security.

The Aquino administration’s procurement of additional military and naval equipment is a step in the right direction. But much more needs to be done,” Alunan, served as cabinet member during Ramos administration.

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