Navy Ship from India in the Philippines to boost ties

A  Navy ship from India arrived in the Philippines for a 4 day visit in order to boost the defensive ties with Philippines.

Lt. Commander Domingo the Philippine Navy Spokesman release a statement that the goodwill visit of Indian Ship  Sahyadri meant to strengthen and enhance mutual relation between two navies.

It provided opportunity for Indian Navy personnel to relax and unwind at the same time, build camaraderie with Filipino people and Filipino counterparts” Domingo said.
India and Philippines are embroiled in territorial dispute with China.

China maintained its presence in West Philippine Sea areas within Philippines’ EEZ (exclusive economic zone), including   Panatag Shoal, Panganiban Reef and Ayungin Shoal in Palawan.

Territorial dispute between China and India covers about 125,000 square kilometers of land.

 According to latest report “Chinese soldiers advanced into a remote part of Western Himalayas claimed by India.

China also reportedly displayed banner declaring that the area is part of their territory.

Philippine Navy officials confirmed that the visit had nothing to do with territorial issues. 

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