President Aquino Admits difficulties dealing with MILF

President Aquino publicly acknowledges his administrations difficulties with the MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front) in trying to complete its peaces process that will pave a way for the new autonomous region in Mindanao.

Aquino remained positive despite from the delays in the submission of draft bill from the BBL (Bangsamoro Basic Law) for the congressional approval and scrutiny.

Palace was scheduled to receive the revised draft bill, in which President Aquino intends to certify and accelerate its approval in the chamber of congress.

When we got into this, we never said that just because we asked for it, it would happen,”President Aquino said during a television interview “We really have to be patient and I am optimistic,” he said in Filipino.

The draft has been returned by Palace with major revisions. Both panels sat down in serious of workshops in order to reconcile the differences over the draft language. But despite with the delay in the BBL draft, Secretarty Herminio said that Aquino remained “determined to complete the process that will bring a long lasting stability and development to Bangsamoro”.

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