Jejomar Binay Vice President of
the Philippines finally expressed its true opinion on the call for the term
extension of President Benigno Aquino for another term in the Malacañang. The issue
emerged through campaign from social media.
Binay, who is
obviously aiming for the presidential chair this coming 2016 presidential
election, he said that he believed that President Aquino will set an example as
what his mother did for the reelection after its term expired dated June 30,

Secretary Mar Roxas made a pitch on the extension of Presidents term through a
constitutional change. It was considered a selfish proposal as what Vice
President Binay responded on the statement. Opposition law maker threatened to
go in Supreme Court if the Administration allies were to push the
constitutional amendments that will allow the term extension of President
Neri Colmenares of Bayan Muna fears that term extension is a strategic plan for
the motive behind the organized Cha-cha (Charter change) initially directed at
a certain provisions in the Philippine economy.
“The proposed extension of the President term
is merely an attempt to stay in power by the Aquino Administration, not a
clamor of a discontented populace,” Colmenares said.
No to Binay...corrupt ..EPAL