China to attack Philippines?

President Aquino believes that if China government decides to pursue its so—called historical claims in the South China Sea, the Asians superpower would not opt to attack Philippine islands.

During the forum organized by the IFRI (Institut Francais des Relations Internationales) Thursday, President Aquino said that no amount of twirl would justify an attack.

"If their opulence is essential linked to their access to the world, doing the worst possible scenarios will not redound to them being able to have as we have access with the rest of the world or to the very least it will prove to be, shall we say, a hindrance to the regaining access to trade which they so need like we do," Aquino said.

He said that the dramatic changes in quality of life for Chinese citizens are fueled by their country's engagements with outside world.

During Ph president’s state visit to China last 2011. He and President Hu Jintao agreed that disputes in the waters are not sum total of their total engagements.

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