Experts from China Reject the Philippine triple plan

The Chinese experts on the issues with the surrounding disputes on South China Sea rejected Philippines’ TAP (proposed triple action plan) aims to reduce escalating tensions among claimant countries over the contested waters.

China’s expert think—tank NISCSS (National Institute for South China Sea Studies) told Philippine media delegation that TAP cannot be implemented since Philippines filed arbitration case before International Tribunal on the Laws of the Seas (ITLOS).

The president and senior research fellow of the NISCSS Wu Shicun, said that TAP did not take off because Philippines went on file the said arbitration case, which supposed to be final approach in settling dispute over the overlapping of territorial boundaries of the claimant countries.

“Why did China had no response to the initiatives? (It is) because the Philippines itself has not followed its initiatives. For example, according to the triple action plan, the South China dispute (should be resolved in stages),” Wu pointed out.

Philippines jumped out or skipped the final stage to solve South China Sea by the international jurisprudence or arbitration,” Wu added.

He also believed that TAP was crafted by Philippines after China built artificial islands in West Philippine Sea.

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