Former Taiwan Air Force Colonel Sentenced 20 years for Leaking Secrets to China

Former Colonel of the Air Force was sentenced for 20 years and an accomplice to 15 years by Taiwan High Court Kaohsiung Branch, for the leaking of the military secrets to China.

The court found former colonel Chih—hsiung, served in 439 Combined Wing at Pingtung Air Base, worked with the karaoke parlor owner Wan Tsung—lin to sell the information regarding E—2K. It is an all—weather airborne warning and control system plane to Chinese intelligence agencies through Wan's contacts in business in China.

Wan and Hao can appeal verdict. Prosecutors and the military officials began its investigation of the case last June, leading them to discover money that had not been accounted for and funds transferred from China in bank financial record belonging to the two individuals. 

They were now detained on charges of violating the comprehensive National Security Act and the indicted for leaking the military secrets.

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