Philippine Navy

Filipino: Hukbóng Dagat ng Pilipinas” — Philippine Navy is a naval warfare service branch of AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines) one of three uniformed services of Republic of the Philippines. It has estimated of 24,000 personnel active and operates 101 vessels.

The Philippine Navy administered through DND (Department of National Defense) under AFP structure. Chief of Staff, AFP (CSAFP), a four—star admiral (if the officer is from Philippine Navy), the most senior military officer, senior naval officer is the Flag Officer—in—Command, usually with rank of vice admiral. FOIC is solely responsible for operational status and administration of the Navy.

Currently navy composed of two type commands, Philippine Marine Corps   and Philippine Fleet. It is organized into seven naval operational commands, five naval support commands, and seven naval support units.

The Philippine Fleet is under direct command of the Commander Philippine Fleet while Marine Corps are answerable to the commandant CPMC. However, due to that Philippine Marine Corps (PMC) is a large part of Philippine Navy, FOIC retains much administrative and control over the PMC.

Video Credit to Modern AFP

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