Philippine Vice President Binay’s dumbest mistakes

The dumbest mistake that Vice President Binay did was to double—cross his loyal vice mayor and the bagman. Second big mistake was to permit himself and his all family to turn into too greedy. And the last one was to aspire as president of this country.

Vice President Binay promised his former vice mayor Mercado that he would be the next mayor in Makati when his term expired. Binay ruined this promise and made Junjun his son the mayor instead. If you were Mercado, what would you do?

The stupid thing happen was former vice mayor Mercado was his bagman, the assistant who delivered bags of money from the real estate developers and contractors directly to him and to his family. There were separate bags for each one of them. Mercado knew everything. So Isn’t it dumb to double—cross such a person?

Binay would not be on this controversy if he not been too greedy. Why could not his family be satisfied with just little? But instead like the ogre in “Jack and the Beanstalk,” they wanted more, more!

How can President Aquino whose policy is to get rid of corruption, endorse somebody that is accused of big—time corruption? The Binay that we now know is no longer poor human rights lawyer who have supported their mother during martial law. They are now very rich, as reflected in the declaration in his statement of assets, liabilities and net worth.

So it is obvious that ombudsman or the senate will make him explain how he acquired that wealth for not having any big business. The income of his families comes only in the salaries working as public servant.

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